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“We are drinkers with a running problem”

Hash Run Dorset – What can I expect?

Fun, banter, irreverence, good people, beer oh and some running. Hangovers welcome.

It’s essentially an old-fashioned ‘Paper Chase’; a fun, fair but non-competitive Cross Country run/walk to promote the sport, exercise and offer a social outlet. It will blow the cobwebs away and get the blood flowing. Each run takes place at a different location every week and only the people laying the trail know where it goes.

All are welcome, no matter your fitness level, all you need is enthusiasm. You would be made very welcome. It’s FUN, Enjoy. The benefits are fitness, fellowship and fun, and there lie the secrets to its popularity.

There is a walking group that go about 2.5 – 3.0 miles, and a running group that go a bit further and faster, about 4 – 5 miles, although it is stop/start as the trail is found. The fitter runners may run 6.0 – 8.0 miles as they run ahead to find the trail and run back to check on the group. 

The “hashers” have an irreverent, un-PC sense of humour and are a very friendly bunch of men and women of all ages.

The trail runs happen every Sunday at 11am; for visitors the cost is £2 for the run (to be paid on the day to Hash Cash). Other social events are organised during the year. You are welcome at any and all events.

Become a Member

Fill in the membership form

Pay subs of £24 for the year (£12 for six months if necessary)

Click this video to see more about hashing:

wessex hash house harriers video